Palm Springs City Hall Historic Landscape Report Grant
On April 18, 2024 PSPF submitted the “Palm Springs City Hall Historic Landscape Report” to the city of Palm Springs. The 72-page report, prepared by PSPF board member and architectural historian Steven Keylon, makes various recommendations intended to restore the original vision of famous midcentury landscape architects Eckbo, Royston, & Williams. To read the Landscape Report click here.
On January 8, 2024 the PSPF board voted unanimously to award a $1,300 grant to architectural historian and PSPF board member Steven Keylon “to support your proposal to create an historically-accurate landscape plan for the Palm Springs City Hall site. As you know, PSPF championed the designation of the entire city hall site starting in 2009 when the city proposed an ill-advised plan to rewicker the parking lot that would have blocked historic sight lines. In 2012, PSPF’s efforts culminated in a significant success when the city council formally designated the entire city hall site as historic. Hence, it is appropriate that PSPF support any efforts to return the landscape to its original design.” To read the PSPF grant letter click here.
Keylon was asked to undertake this important project in view of his unique qualifications and experience as a past president of the California Garden & Landscape History Society (CGLHS).