Chart House Restaurant

Chart House Restaurant - 69-934 on Hwy. 111, Rancho Mirage SETBACK

The Chart House Restaurant (1978) made clever use of a difficult site and was a spectacular example of “organic modernism.” Designed by architect Kendrick Bangs Kellogg, the low, scalloped and laminated roof combined with incredibly deep eaves and gave the building the appearance of a giant sea creature washed up on some ancient shore. The building won numerous awards and was designated a historic landmark by the city of Rancho Mirage.

On March 19, 2013 the Chart House Restaurant was demolished and an important historic resource of the city of Rancho Mirage was lost forever.

On February 7, 2013 the Rancho Mirage city council voted unanimously (5-0) to uphold the city’s decision to demolish the historic Chart House Restaurant (Kendrick Kellogg, 1978). PSPF board member Ron Marshall made public comment asking that the council demonstrate “true leadership” and find a way to rebuild the historic structure. After the Rancho Mirage city council’s decision to proceed with the demolition, Marshall opined to a Desert Sun newspaper reporter that the council had failed in its duty to protect this cultural resource and had “allowed an anonymous arsonist to write the city’s history.”

On January 17, 2013 the Rancho Mirage city council decided to delay a decision on the fate of the Chart House Restaurant until they could “digest” the considerable amount of public comment they received. Making public comment were PSPF board members Ron Duby and Babs Marshall. Both Nancy Sinatra and actor Gavin MacLeod were on-hand to make passionate pleas for the preservation of the historic building.

On December 24, 2012 PSPF sent a letter to the mayor of Rancho Mirage strongly endorsing the city’s conclusion that the Chart House Restaurant could be reconstructed or rebuilt from the extant portions of the partially-burned building. PSPF’s letter also asked that the city “not delay in leveraging all of the legal and administrative tools at its disposal to motivate the owner to proceed with the immediate reconstruction of this important historic resource.”

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Chart House Restaurant
Chart House Restaurant


February 8, 2013, Desert Sun (Chart House Restaurant)