Albert Frey Research Project Patrick McGrew Memorial Research Grant
On August 18, 2024 Luke Leuschner provide the PSPF board with the 192-page “final” report of his Complete Works of Albert Frey FAIA (1903-1998) research project. To read the report click here.
On August 29, 2022 architectural historian Luke Leuschner provided the PSPF board with a 136-page “early” draft of his Complete Works of Albert Frey FAIA research project.
On April 4, 2022 PSPF awarded a $10,000 grant to architectural historian Luke Leuschner to support his research efforts regarding architect Albert Frey. The grant will support the investigation of a host of resources that have become available in recent years (including those found at museums, universities, historical societies, private collections, etc.) in an effort to expand the current knowledge and understanding of “one of our valley’s most important modernist architects.”
This is the third Patrick McGrew Memorial Research grant awarded by PSPF.
To read the PSPF grant letter click here.